North Texans prepare for second round of storms

Thousands of insurance claims have been filed after Sunday night's hail storms across North Texas. Some repairs have still not made.

People in Denton and Collin counties are pulling out tarps and trash bags to cover holes in roofs and windows in preparation for Tuesday night’s expected storms. People are still repairing their property while fearing they'll be hit a second time in just 48 hours.

Sunday night’s storms stretched about a hundred miles from Jacksboro to Bonham. It hit Collin and Denton counties the hardest.

The Insurance Council of Texas says half of the damage was to cars. The other half of the damage was to homes.

"The cost of this is going to be around $300 million in insured losses,” explained Mark Hanna with the Insurance Council of Texas.

Hanna’s estimate was for Sunday's storm alone. Tuesday’s weather added to the anxiety.

"Well, it doesn't look promising,” he said.

Robert McDonald showed his home to FOX 4 on the edge of Lewisville and Highland Village. Hail knocked out all three of his skylights. Rain poured into his house for 45 minutes. His car was also damaged by hail.

McDonald, like many North Texans with property damage, has not had time to get a roofer out to make repairs. So he wrapped his skylights in trash bags and duct tape in anticipation of another storm Tuesday that threatened more hail.

"It was hand size. It was like a baseball,” McDonald said. “I've got a picture of my son holding them and it literally took up two of his hands. That's how big they were."

"It's not good when you have these back to back storms that look like they're going to be coming every two to three days and could be as bad or worse than what we've already seen,” Hanna added.

If you've already filed an insurance claim and paid a deductible, then get hit again, take that up with your insurance company. The company could waive a second deductible.

Also, if you bought tarps, trash bags, duct tape or hired a roofer, they could be covered by your policy.
