Hacked road sign displays dueling Trump messages

Several people hacked an electronic road sign near Fair Park in Dallas overnight to display dueling messages about President-elect Donald Trump.

The sign initially had profanity on it. Then it flashed to show Trump’s name. A few hours later the sign was changed. Apparently a Trump fan programmed it to say “Make America Great Again.”

Earlier this year hackers were able to program similar signs in west Dallas with messages like “Donald Trump is a shape shifting lizard,” “Hillary for Prison” and “Bernie Sanders for president.” Another one let commuters know, “Work is canceled, go back home.”

At the time, the Texas Department of Transportation said the signs were owned by a contractor and could not be operated remotely. The department planned to work with the contractor on better security for the signs.

Tampering with construction warning signs is a misdemeanor crime that can by punishable by a fine and up to two years in jail.