Filming to close Dealey Plaza roads on Sunday

The sound of gunfire is expected again in Dallas' Dealey Plaza during the filming of the Rob Reiner film “LBJ” on Sunday.

It’s the second time this month were a production will shut down the site of President John F. Kennedy's assassination. Earlier in October, the filming of "11-22-63" caused significant traffic problems in downtown Dallas on weekdays.

City officials said people near Dealey Plaza on Sunday will hear blanks fired during the filming, which stars Woody Harrelson.


Full closure of the 400 to 600 block of Elm Street, 400 to 600 block of Main Street, the 100 block of South Houston and the 100 to 200 block of North Houston.

The 300 to 600 block of Commerce will be affected for short periods of time on Sunday. Evening rush hour traffic will be diverted north and south at Lamar and Griffin Streets.